Sunflower 04/07/2024 (Sun) 09:46 Id: 9e95d5 No.7156 del
These two linked above are examples of saints who actually internalized the doctrine correctly. They can both be called on for guidance and blessings, and they will show up if your intent is decent.

It may look like they were martyrized in the same way as everyone else, but the difference is that they became actual immortals free from sin, on the astral plane. Mostly everyone named and considered saints however did not. They became horrible monsters who feed on the souls of "believers" until they turned into something resembling huge mantises. These were the rulers of the energy farm called Christianity in the west. This happened because they pretended to be free of sin when they were not, and then went on to do even worse than mundane people, thinking themselves above them. Only isolated and abused people like those above actually made it, because they reversed their physical life without taking part in it with indecency.