Sunflower 04/07/2024 (Sun) 20:14 Id: b5ef9f No.7170 del
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To barge my own views into here, I think it was very effective to "play the actual Jew" here. Meaning I custom made servitors for djinn so they could bolster up Hamas by possession, and also created a special djinn lamp to make all djinn factions stop fighting for a while so they could fight the west/Jews in coordination instead.

Then I helped Mossad by giving them a special version of Raid with the OT tantric system and servitors for making the orthodox Jews anti-war, among other things. They were almost as rabid as the meme, arguing over telepathy in an almost comical manner and pretending to be Russians. I said as it is, that I don't care either way about this shit, but I think Jews need to stop killing people and that Israel was formed in a way that no one will accept, so they should GTFO of there if they want to live. And I'm not against Judaism, I'll even support it, if they can just manage to apply it normally, because I can't really say it's been any worse than Christianity in terms of doing damage to the world from misuse of its principles.