Sunflower 04/08/2024 (Mon) 11:24 Id: ec0980 No.7187 del
They tried getting in here locally as well, but it's too small and too low population density. Wise said my new neighbour was a spy, so I had him replaced with the demon guard. Can't come in here and move in, then act in suspicious manner, it stands out.

Now the lurking glowie may wonder, what gave him away, aside from my Wise servitor instantly warning about him? I was out for a walk and he came driving on a dead-end forest road. It's a road that leads to nothing, only kept open by land owners for forestry, and I knew this guy wasn't the land owner. The only other person to be seen on this road is a local drunk walking his dog. Appearing in there is an instant give-away for being suspicious. Then I saw him outside his new residence and stopped to talk to him some days later. He then said
>I saw you before, right? You were wearing a military jacket?
and he had a strange expression in his eyes when he said that.

I wasn't wearing a military jacket, it was just a green outdoors jacket which could resemble a military jacket. Any hunter or any rural living person would wear clothes like this and it's normal.

If your reaction is that this is a military jacket, and you have to comment on it, it's because that is your frame of reference. So that implies military training and not native rural life.