Sunflower 04/08/2024 (Mon) 19:05 Id: b51ff3 No.7193 del
(61.51 KB 680x527 Touhou Hijack.jpg)
Yesterday I was doing a purification ritual for an anon with the help of Amitābha and I got a vision of a large house burning and I merely just increased the light further for a "clean burn" because I felt my cleansing might be "Not enough". Then in the debris a pure source of light manifested and as that source started to strengthen I connected to the light to blow the debris away. When that happened a bunch of light specks started to appear giving me light because I was the "owner" of it because everyone just wants to get rid of trash and never recycle it and the recycling was incomplete. I noticed that it has minor dark spots that emit so much light because it is finally able to burn. While "free energy" is free energy I had to adjust the energy because it started to mess with my workings.

>A complex network of social control was created, where eventually everyone in the society was being held at gunpoint, metaphorically speaking.
>The last image was horrible.
can you please elaborate a little so I can make sure what forces just happened to be part of this thing?

I was merely cleansing the residual energies that dumb ass anon had in his environment and wasn't able to overcome on his own. I didn't notice other "meanings" yet.

>No one's going to believe what the NWO wanted to use the eclipse for so maybe I shouldn't bother talking about what I saw
I don't know what happened but I was granted a large sum of "eclipse" energy for I don't know what just now. Was wondering if I should cut the source but it was "empty" it had no intents or entities in it so I was letting it continue. I can feel it circulate around many places but the "excess" or the overflow that was coming in my way ended.

>But that was the point, making shit to incomprehensible that no one can rebel against it. This goes both ways tho.

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