Sunflower 04/09/2024 (Tue) 09:52 Id: 9e95d5 No.7204 del
So for now, the new sun and the new Earth which is connected to the federation will appear more detached from the surface reality. However it is just one layer away, and nothing really changed aside from our view being obscured. This is part of the process where the last of the NWO and the old culture has to be handled according to what they wanted to do. Intent matters, through this process the world will come to understand all of this, and will not repeat it later. The new super nova will be the visible sun and it's a good construct, but perhaps warmer than the regular sun even at a distance, so expect global warming to continue. The drawn in yellow moloch sun won't be visible for now, even if it's on the Earth plane, because society moved to 1D which only connects "backward" to the super nova plane, so we can't see the 3D sun (2D is in the way, to simplify it).