Sunflower 04/10/2024 (Wed) 12:37 Id: 9e95d5 No.7238 del
(148.95 KB 1024x1024 total connectivity.jpg)
>Total Core
>Use this word-sigil for access:
>This is a device

Total connectivity


This is a device in the form of a pendant with a chain for wearing like a necklace. Usage: hold the pendant in your right palm and place a total-core compatible DNA disc on the pendant.

This will activate the pendant and create a "form" based on the used profile. After activation, the pendant is automatic, but can be used in a directed way for additional profiles.

What it's for: Creation of a body layer, a framework which exists outside of any pre-existing body, with the intent of increasing the abilities of your incarnation. The form can be projected into other dimensions or worn overlapping with your current in use body.

What does the form do: It is made from a copper layer over which a stream of gravity flows, regulated by a void field in the dantian area. The purpose is to create an adaptive gravity field which can attract the exact information or material you need at any moment, based on an algorithm which is the base of the system. This will lead to increased connectivity with external information, selectively based on which connections will create more internal connections between different bodies of internal knowledge.