Sunflower 04/11/2024 (Thu) 23:29 Id: 9e95d5 No.7290 del
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The Queen races...

...also called the Earth mothers

or the worst predators in all existence.

I think I get it now, why they can do what they do. A fully evolved Queen has something called "eternal protection", which appears like a golden sphere of light around them. It's an energy field radiating out from their bodies, which is completely 100% impenetrable by any hostile forces. They are by this completely immortal and uneffected by any external force, including aging, death, time, gravity, cold, heat and so on.

For a regular human to come into contact with this radiating field, will lead to a loss of life force at around 3 months per second. This means they will die if they stay in her proximity for 4 minutes on average. Removing oneself from the influence of the field will not lead to regeneration of lost life force.

Merely being in contact with the field while holding a hostile thought in mind will lead to instant death. Attacking the Queen or moving with intent to attack her, will not only lead to instant death, but will also create a "hostility debt" placed on the attacker's soul, which will be burned off in the instant of death. For someone trying to use violence against her, it will lead to a self perceived 1000 years of intense pain during the death instant. It is also completely impossible to penetrate the field as it gets exponentially stronger closer to her body, and the penalty in terms of faster death and longer time in the instant death hell will also be exponential.

Because of this, Queens do not actively defend themselves, and they will do anything. Someone not moving aside will simply die.