Sunflower 04/12/2024 (Fri) 11:40 Id: 9e95d5 No.7296 del
(175.73 KB 1024x1024 AI etna.jpg)

The immortality effect

"To the last hohol"

"So what should we call her?"
"Why? Because Russian girls are like volcanoes? They take up a lot of space and then explode and kill people?"

Basically a mass propaganda servitor made like a double-edged sword - it will make soldiers fearless when attacking and afraid when retreating, balanced based on strategy to create emotional intelligence.
It will also have the complete opposite effect if used by Jesuits. If they copy this servitor (this is encouraged, pls do) and use it in Ukraine, it will seem like they are working better than before. But they will work better in the sense of being dumber, attacking into "cauldrons" and not retreating when they should.

>how to run into every possible filter when trying to create a perfectly decent illustration: the image.jpg

Also visually and functionally very similar to Tanya.