Sunflower 04/12/2024 (Fri) 13:20 Id: 9e95d5 No.7297 del
(186.12 KB 1024x1024 Bing image creator2.jpg)
(187.10 KB 1024x1024 Bing image creator.jpg)
This is kind of poetic.

So from my experience it seems there are mainly two filters on Bing Image Creator:

Copyright filter
Moralistic filter

Both are unpredictable and inconsistent. To bypass the copyright filter, add "fanart" first in the prompt, then almost anything is ok.

The moralistic filter is a lot harder. It blocks certain words and combinations of words, and it blocks certain image results by patterns in the image. For example it blocks eating ice cream at home while wearing black in front of bookshelves if it's a girl wearing specified fashion of a common and normal type.

On the contrary, trying to create an image of a female wearing anything other than office style clothes with long pants, will result in trashy bimbo style images with strongly exposed fake tits cleavage, filler lips and short skirts and dresses. It's close to impossible to get a non-sexualized image of a female out of the service. Adding "14 year old" can help in some cases, in others that still generates a trashy looking adult. "11 year old" works in most cases, but for anime style drawings, it still adds large breasts.

Even when using "4 year old" to try it, it placed the girls in very sexualized poses with make up and short dresses, even when this was left open for Bing to decide.

If this was a review, I'd say that: Blocking prompts that define poses and body parts, leaving these to be decided by the AI, means almost all female images will be very sexualized and it's not possible to work around it. The moralistic view of the programmers has lead to the already biased image material tilting it in this direction.

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