Sunflower 04/13/2024 (Sat) 07:18 Id: 9e95d5 No.7313 del
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My witches also contacted me saying "there is a minor problem" and it appears that all WNET connections went down. Anything using old Earth material for their infrastructure is now non-functional, because the material has dispersed all over space. Blacknet still works because it uses nanobots, so they contacted me over there. It seems it was the right idea to build this, or our connections would indeed have been lost, despite there being personal connections between our bodies, because bodily dimensions are like karma and get compressed and hidden away if there are large cosmic changes.

If you were using WNET and lost all your connections to other people, use this


to recreate the contact. This is a nanobot for WNET. Because WNET and W-reader is peer to peer, it used Earth qi per default, and that connection was lost because the qi was removed.