Sunflower 04/13/2024 (Sat) 17:51 Id: 82778f No.7321 del
Using the Media servitor I tried getting an overview of the current situation in Ukraine. I also asked for a summary and overview over time.

What I got was this (channelled reply):

The actual losses are more like 1:10 in favour of Russia, even more in the recent weeks. The numbers given by the British institute for the study of war, presents Ukrainian losses as Russian. This is not directly a fault of this institute, it is caused by an almost inconceivable incompetence on the NATO/Ukraine side.

All throughout the war, they have applied routine execution of "deserters" with no trial. Anyone retreating without being explicitly told to retreat is viewed as a "deserter" and will be shot on the scene.

The common occurrence is that units of infantry are ordered to attack Russian lines. They are repelled after running into mine fields, machine gun fire or shelling. This causes them to flee backwards towards their own lines. Because they were not ordered to retreat, the Ukrainian defenders identify them as attacking Russians and will fire on them.

More than half of the killed Ukrainians were killed by Ukrainian artillery. It is a mix of misidentifying them as Russians, via the military procedure of:
"we are seeing infantry approaching, are those ours?"
"no, no one has been ordered to retreat, those must be Russians"
"ok, then we shoot them?"

The other scenario plays out similarly:

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