Sunflower 05/01/2024 (Wed) 21:31 Id: 18cc63 No.7659 del
>I literally provided screencaps which you can go by to get a quick view of the starting points for different steps of the progress right here
AFTER the fact.

At the end of the day, you can't erase nonsense like this:
>I don't care
>it's not a skill I'm interested in having

You can't try to play as many disingenuous word games as you want, but those two lines alone prove my point.

If someone responds to any question you ask with that, that's someone who can't help you, and this can be applied to anything.

Anybody who reads those lines will immediately laugh (like I did), and be amazed that you even responded to the thread knowing that you don't care anything about what the person is looking for, and you just want to talk about what interests you.

You are Exhibit A of a narcissist.

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