Sunflower 05/02/2024 (Thu) 20:13 Id: ff97c8 No.7673 del
>stabilizes the system while keeping information from passing upward or downward without being defiled in some way.
Yes. It does that. I am nut sure how intentional it is tbh. The mindwaves don't connect and never blend. Nobody is willing to understand the other. The highest "understanding" is about how to "exploit" others and rarely more. This is what I realized in my youth. People are rarely able or willing to understand me so my only choice is to understand them then grant them as many information as they are able or willing to digest. Never an ounce more. This is the point of Upaya. Speaking and doing the correct actions that result in awakening and not more. Shame it requires decades to master or the perfect energyflow for the "genius" to manifest.

>Difference being that the yogi recommends trying to understand the mind which created the object of desire, which then gradually would transfer the focus to God
Yeah this is what my guides teach me in the past years in many ways.
>This process never happens for them as they just lazily allow the desire to turn into a point.
I am not even sure "lazy" is apt anymore. I am seeing normalfags work so much against their own interest I cannot call them lazy at all. But yes slowly aligning the "edges" is nuanced and hard as hell. We so don't know the forces that guide and shapes our thinking it's ridiculous. Realizing that the only reason I "act" on my desires so I can "deny" my desires with less effort.
It turned out I am not "hiding" my desires. I simply deny them. Which is even worse because on the levels I am still on my desires are needed for transformative processes.
Also I am opening new pathways towards the "true sight" which is an awareness that does not require the physical eyes and a "visualization" which is the equivalent of lucid dreaming while awake which means your "mind" can get so fast your memory is unable to keep up and you "drown" in your own visions and the only thing you notice that you snap out of the "dream" because the body is unable to keep the posture. I had one while lying down in bed and the only reason I snapped out because I had to tilt my jaw differently for the energies and as the vision washed me away I accidentally bit the edges of my tongue without realizing. And that snapped me out of the dream. Thinking with the "head" that constantly looks into the "eternal waves of existence" will take time. I realized some weeks ago that I always operated via building a "simulation" in my mind and my intuition corrected parts of it as it felt "wrong" but now I am entering the real thing because these mental simulations becoming redundant.

TL;DR I wonder if this thread will repeat again some months later.