Sunflower 05/20/2024 (Mon) 19:13 Id: fea48d No.7843 del
..this time, for real

Oh well.

After several attempts at different versions of the total core, all very useful in their specific context, I got to the nebula version and did some astral travelling to solidify energies. Visited a castle with a constant 24/7 orgy in a toxic landscape where I was told to stay away unless specifically going to the demon lord's party.

There I met a nice 1000 year old mommy demon who came with me after the party ended. The demon lord ascended to become a "master of volcanoes" when the timeline ran out, time seems to have gotten into a loop in there and then it got done and all guests left.

Using the Simhasana lion pose version of the kriya has been very powerful. In combination with another lady I got via the federation, I got over the threshold. It took a practice partner from a far off desert planet to make this work.

All the evil forces gathered like a cloud and attacked, being contained and mad as hell, things suddenly exploded and the black hole nebula was at its center, a starfish shaped hole with pink energy around its edges. Close to 4 am and it was done. These sessions when getting to the real thing always end up like some kind of fever dream. I didn't even have a concept of how long I was on that mat.