Sunflower 05/20/2024 (Mon) 20:03 Id: 3e1480 No.7844 del
>I didn't even have a concept of how long I was on that mat.
I too should get back to that.
Currently I am having this understanding how power comes and wanes how my fears create tension without me noticing until it causes pain realizing how to channel energies without getting angry or lazy in the process and how to realize that energy is ever present even if a new energetic form dissipates because I switched mindsets again. I have to figure out a mindset where I "pull myself together" as a baseline understanding instead only doing that when I am under siege.
Like some months ago I got sexually aroused from lightning and thunder from the coming and going storm and now my nerves started twitching then I heard a thunder. I realized the lightning elementals are communicating with my "storm body". They told me
>we are thankful for being allowed to come here
I realized in the drought that it is possible to "request" proper rain now that I am a larger part of the weather network instead of conjuring but the side effect is that I might gain foreign elementals. I have to gain experience adjusting to these things anyways but was weird learning that I too can be "under the weather" if it's not my own storm. Thunder elementals are so peculiar. I thought they are just the "stress" that atmospheric pressure creates but since I can control it and a month ago I realized I can calm down storm via energetically grounding the tension from the sky my perception changes again.
Like thunder elementals are merely background charges with 0 effects like cosmic radiation until you "charge it". Even Zeus had some elemental friends who brandished his lightning bolts. Seems like these elementals are regional as the wind slyphs.

Bipolars are hard to deal with. Their mind is split between emotional currents and to "fix" them you have to become the shadow that chases them and the light that guides them out from their madness. They are a real piece of work. Stimulating for sure but too much work. Require the highest grade of patience and proper observational skills on mental emotional and spiritual level