Sunflower 05/20/2024 (Mon) 20:45 Id: 0eb80b No.7845 del
>Bipolars are hard to deal with. Their mind is split between emotional currents and to "fix" them you have to become the shadow that chases them and the light that guides them out from their madness. They are a real piece of work. Stimulating for sure but too much work. Require the highest grade of patience and proper observational skills on mental emotional and spiritual level
Yeah, this whole thing was too draining, I wasn't even trying "to fix" then, they wanted to be friends and then more than friends she basically stalked me lol, I didn't mind that but.. everything else was not fun in retrospect constantly having to deal with flip flopping and not being honest was ass. I'm kind of over it now but still. Plus I think my sisters are pissed (not at me, but at her) due to misjudging her and them outright planning to do something if she contacts me again. Apart from that they've gotten more... Possessive as of late and her/that other "me"/me came back too. Last night something happened and my sisters were smiling and saying my vibrations are becoming more like theirs now