Sunflower 05/21/2024 (Tue) 18:57 Id: fea48d No.7853 del
Log entry

SunBorn, gyro shaped creator tool for a metal slime encased body filled with ash. Casing channels sunlight by light waves reduced to points, ash contains directional particles which channel gravity. Happy loli + SunBurn loli type modules.

After getting an order for 10 000 mining robots at my tin robot factory (it's mostly not in use, I made it to be able to create experimental body types in the style of common robotics within the federation) me and the ladies went to a space restaurant to celebrate. Some guy came by and wanted to sell slaves for a mere 3 silver so I bought one. My ladies said this was obvious industrial espionage but that it doesn't matter because nothing we do is secret technology. The slave beast girl wanted to look at the factory so I said she could do that. But I did pay for the contract so she's stay with me, it wasn't fake. Slaves in the federation are more like a position, not unlike how soccer players are bought and sold. She documented everything and made a report for whoever had paid her to spy, then that part was over. I looked at her body and realized it was artificial and pretty advanced. Then I looked closer and realized it was a technology which seemed derived from the SunCore I made just before. Apparently it spread as a device in faster timelines and became a known technology, but because it uses manifestation almost no one can use it as is. Someone started using the same theory and building cyborg bodies manually, this girl had such a body, but was an incarnated regular yellyfish spirit. It turns out there are many of these out there and they are popular for inhabiting mining cyborgs because, after all they are floating fish with no specific demands for life so they are very calm and won't be tired from repetitive work when it's just overlooking a process in a cyborg body.

The thing went full circle when I reverse engineered her body and created this device which can manifest the body type derived from my own previous creation. It turned out very good.

CarbGel, factory for fractally functioning mining style robots with carbon slime casing, super gel filling. Each cell is a complete robot. Totalitarian Happy Loli module.

Inspired by these events I built another factory which can mass produce a kind of tin robot design style body with a metal slime shell and gel organs. A miner company soon ordered 14 000 robots of this type, my ladies made a sturdy worker bot design for them.

This lead to us being registered as "producers of sustainable mining technology" and allowed to invest in "stable federation assets". These are either fuel or minerals which are bought like stocks and the account is bound to your soul and is kept across incarnations. It is only allowed to buy sustainable assets using sustainably produced value, which is why the previous versions were not up to standard for being too trend sensitive. In the federation, mining is the main business so anything else is unlikely to be seen as sustainable.