Sunflower 05/22/2024 (Wed) 13:24 Id: fea48d No.7856 del
Extensive Astra automated learning lead to:

[RapeCore] A total core derived creator tool with a slime shell encasing a black hole. The slime consists of a special sun process stretching from "hyper/ultra" sun level to regular sun, after which it fossilizes into a depleted form of mineral, an expression of pure passion.
Modules: Babylonian loli, solves the incorrect connection described as "menstruation blood connecting with sperm" in a tantric sense, breaking the "red over white" connection which is a main issue in today's world.
Faith, solves the same issue using ethereal technical reasoning.

[BeastCore] A total core derived creator device where a black hole is encased in a sphere made from a fossilization process passing through the sun types into a type of sandstone mineral, forming a slime.
BeastCore module: Adaptive Amazing beast.