Sunflower 05/22/2024 (Wed) 20:16 Id: fea48d No.7862 del
Status: Autism triggered

So all this talk about various astral forms made me wonder how these types actually relate. The yokais called the red beast "bear", while some on here seemed to think the federation ladies it was based off are actually "dogs". To me they look more like cats. Then we have the unavoidable foxes and the hyena who came in here.

Supposedly this is how their corresponding animals relate:

Mammals (Mammalia)
|-- Carnivores (Carnivora)
|-- Caniforms (Caniformia)
| |
| |-- Canids (Canidae)
| | |
| | |-- Dogs (Canis)
| | |-- Foxes (Vulpes)
| |

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