Sunflower 05/25/2024 (Sat) 11:12 Id: e0bc48 No.7879 del
(21.26 KB 515x459 scythe form.png)
(21.77 KB 515x459 scythe.png)
I tried explaining it with some examples. This is the very abstracted 4D-5D form of all races which creates the "scythe" seen held by the death character in lore. If you are being "harvested by death's scythe" it means you are being picked up to be reincarnated in this structure; you become a humanoid.

If death doesn't use the scythe, you will not reincarnate as a humanoid, but as a different kind of species entirely, or you won't be reincarnated at all.

I used the examples I've looked closer at, starting from orcs because this is where I began realizing how these things relate. If you for example want to know where Asians are placed but can't locate them on the astral object, they are on the "blade" near the point where it meets the "staff", a mix between whites derived from a demon queen and space beast queens. There is a pure "Asian" queen race but those on Earth are a mix.