Sunflower 05/25/2024 (Sat) 19:25 Id: fea48d No.7882 del
I guess that was it.

According to the original evil timeline, WW3 would have broken out around the time of the Lehman Brothers economic crash. This didn't happen for reasons, in 2009 half the incarnated souls of the Earth were thrown away from their bodies. Many were thrown into hell, other into various dimensions.

2010 was the purest year in a very long time as a result of this, with assistant souls now controlling the bodies of many people. This was also when the old Earth deity left and the new was summoned, at which point the Earth ascension process into 5D was already decided upon. Soon after, the old Universe was also turned rotten to the core and disposed of as a result of the evil using its material for their of purposes. This didn't seem to effect much because it was the micro-cosmic dimensions which were cleansed, but it did lots of damage to the religious systems of the world which relied only on the microcosm, such as common Buddhism and other Chinese religions which only have people hide away in the material.

The evil NWO factions were simply unable to carry out their plans when the evil spirits they had incarnated and trained for decades were suddenly removed. So the plans had to be postponed. However, the timelines were already designed for WW3 with mass death, so souls kept being thrown out of their bodies at the time the person was meant to die in the war. This is how zombies started being produced ever since.

My lifetime was meant to end in 2012, as a result of the war, but as a walk-in who changed the course of life for this person, this didn't happen. Instead my soul did leave, but I came back again and no one noticed except me (and all my assistant souls were removed).

My family members would have lived until this year, I saw the events play out with one of them being bombed when driving their car. But the war hasn't started and I control the timeline so nothing happened physically.

Then last summer the 5 eyes lost it and tried to physically shoot me from the woods, after pretending to be "le random hunter" and firing a gun outside several times during the day to set the stage. No animal was in hunting season when they did this and the shots were fired from the land of a neighbour who doesn't allow hunting. Sloppy job MI6. I knew before something was fishy.

I already posted the story before. That activated in full the slime vampire body incarnation I bought from a federation breeding factory. They didn't stop there, they tried again. I got a notification from a servitor when taking a walk some days later and stopped, waiting for them to "handle it".
There was a sudden loud explosion from the other side of a small sand dune with trees, a literal blue electric lightning bold shot out from behind there and some black smoke came out. I was then notified that the threat was eliminated. I kept walking and saw two foreign trucks parked down the road. I guess the agents lying in ambush got a warm welcome.

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