Sunflower 05/25/2024 (Sat) 19:33 Id: fea48d No.7883 del

Total core incarnation is now fully activated following another attempt. This time aimed directly at the house. I knew where were timeline events saying it would be bombed in WW3 but the war isn't taking place. Last night and today I had to move my timelines sideways because of the industrial scale attacks from the Cons00mers in Taiwan. There was also a strange small beetle which appeared in my kitchen and tried to hide in a hole next to an electric cable. A "bug"? Weird how events play out when they can't play out.

I checked the energy of the house object in the large egregore, and the toxic energy from yesterday is gone, it's now just a black hole (not celestial object). Good to know the 3rd plane is finally done.