Sunflower 05/27/2024 (Mon) 17:57 Id: b51ff3 No.7886 del
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It was mentioned several times how molochians? or other weirdos connected the stomach to the brain and made people ruled by their intestines in the 1800s?

I realized I never really asked about details or about the origin of that insight. Did an entity explain that or it came from a vision or was it a conclusion?

I am asking because I am doing specific meridian connection practices again and I never truly felt the effects of "trusting my gut" of sorts. All authority it had was giving me a "foodtype" idea for consumption that will make it stfu while I am going through the day.

Currently I realized several energetic triggers and movements and I am less sure about the "sentience" of the gut (because I found it even more easy to manipulate than before) and how it works. Interestingly the early tarot card had the depiction of the devil where the stomach had a face. I found this out recently. I am not as big on tarot as I should be as an aspiring magician.

Yesterday I encountered a new way the middle dantian works and now I have to revisit my own insights again and upgrade my awareness and observation stat. While doing so I realized I never truly asked about the details of this understanding how occultists connected the gut in the 1800s. That time period is really not my territory while it was an occult Renaissance comparable to the way New Age changed (and sometimes even corrupted) the minds of people about spirituality.