Sunflower 05/27/2024 (Mon) 18:29 Id: e0bc48 No.7887 del
There was something which came up to nudge my mind when that guy posted about the Kundabuffer, a supposed atrophied organ which causes evil acts in humans, said to be originated by the bottom of the spine.

It triggered some memories I had from being a kid, and I saw some visions. One of them was connected to playing with meccano when I was 8. I still feel it when I see pics like these.

These more advanced constructs, I had a booklet with drawings showing their design, they looked like something made pre modern days, 1800s or so. I felt a deep and inexplainable horror when viewing these. Something about the kind of mathematical mindset and exactness of having created these in times with no modern calculation tools, and the implication of all older buildings having been created from the same mentality.

It seems that these technologies and this thinking defeats the molochian mindset, and what I felt as horror was the way the people who can't think for themselves feel when they begin the grasp the reality of these.

I also recalled strange visions of humans whose heads and brains were just septic tanks filled with literal shit.

It was from this outset I started investigating the energetic reasons for these visions, and that is how I found that the modern person had become this way. By design perhaps of the Illuminati or dark masons who constructed the modern society. This made so that the people who entered it by the shift of the 1800s - 1900s would be slaves of the mathematical theories created before this era, unable the change the reality anymore. This way, when modern technology is constructed based on these rules, they have complete control of what humans can do, because they control the laws by which they think. A person whose brain isn't connected will just have to accept what he is told. By feeding manure into his circuits constantly, he cannot change these laws or form the thinking of the 1800s and before, thus living in a mental prison. That is a molochian.