Sunflower 05/27/2024 (Mon) 18:36 Id: e0bc48 No.7888 del
A further insight which came more recently was when I heard a radio show about language and they talked about the adverb. I suddenly had something click in my brain and a new "memory slot" opened, making it suddenly possible to understand in full the reasoning and logic for this word class which it seems no one really understands today. The explanation on wikipedia is even wrong right there in the open, and it's caused by this lack of working memory. It's manifested in not being able to understand that it refers to "an adjective for a verb", such as "he runs fast" in which fast is describing the verb "run". Modern humans cannot grasp this connection, saying vague things like "adverbs are connected to verbs" but being unable to see how.

Try looking into this and see if you can understand the complete logic, it's just one example of what a molochian can't do.

I've heard german verbs are equally impossible and must be learned by heart today, then supposedly because the language was created by people with more brain slots open.