Sunflower 05/27/2024 (Mon) 19:19 Id: c90195 No.7891 del
Its more clear in english since the words describe what they are.AdVerb.

Although i still remember this being taught like this?I dont quite remember. Anyways i instantly saw it was connected to is in the functional sense and also figured you could see it as connected to price before reading further. Itd be weird if that was rare.i see many people seemingly smarter than me in understanding the very complex but simple things it seems is very rare.I actually have a bad working memory but excellled relative to my effort and interest in language so it cant be that i think. I think its about "deep understanding".apparently a high school teacher once asked my sister
If i was her brother after seeing her last name and told her i had the best grasp of english she had ever seen in a student.