Sunflower 05/28/2024 (Tue) 18:59 Id: 63d1ee No.7895 del
(136.70 KB 980x800 oro-sf3-2nd-impact.jpg)
I'll update about the usual stuff late this week sometime but something more important came up when i went to sleep last night/this morning
>remember having to traverse through some weird hellworld(?) or rather it was just around a volcano or something like the iron keep in DS2
>was told i needed to traverse through it to proceed
>didnt really see normal monsters but other humans
>they were more vicious than a demon and a typical hostile monster.
>some came in, tried to appraoch me and i started getting flashes of some shitty people i met (like the people in my past i told shiva anon about and a bit of me being in those real shit discord servers talked about too)
>these specific ones didnt attack me normally but kept trying to fuck with me mentally(?)
>all of sudden i see someone who likes oro from sf3 (pic related) and feel the need to approach him
>he was very gentle and kind, in spite of his appearance, tells me to hold my hand and gives me something
>i follow his directions and go a bit further through the area before taking a look at the item he gave
>it looked like a decapitated hand with two fingers curling
>it curled into a peace sign and i hear a voice that just says "peace"
>progress a bit more in spite of all other humans saying shit to me and such
>wake up
>feel oddly clear and more focused/calm for some reason