Sunflower 05/29/2024 (Wed) 09:19 Id: e0bc48 No.7899 del
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>I just wonder how you all function, if you can relate with what I am trying to convey.
I can fully relate to what you describe in your post, this is how I experienced myself and the world after reading Zhuan Falun first time and having a breakthrough of understandings, which unlocked my ability to actually cultivate my energy consciously. Now in retrospective I know a lot of people never felt this way, and it's probably the same for any kind of entry point. But back when the people I met (within the practice) all seemed to have experienced something like this. I now know for a lot of them it was more of a "social breakthrough" where they left their past context and started interacting with new people, I guess a kind of entry point into "movementarianism" which isn't at all what I experienced.

>I genuinely struggle with my ego and the human world at large because no one can relate to me. As well as the depressing, general robotic disinterest in this awesome aspect of life.
At first it helped to meet people within the same framework, but after I realized most of them don't actually care about any spiritual or higher process, they are just there because they discovered a new social circle (the kind of people who say "namaste" and wear indian clothes), I turned almost entirely to interacting with spirits. When I looked at other humans after a while, I started looking at their spirit (soul) as if it was a spirit who gained control of this body. This is how I still view the world. So I don't look at "humans" themselves as anything but meat robots. The important part is if this human is inhabited by a decent spirit, and if so a telepathic connection is possible. Thereby being able to have a wordless understanding with them. Such people do/did exist.

I also look at the world and the information in it as the effect of different spirits interacting through these meat robots, where a large mass of them are very unintelligent spirits with small awareness. It's straining because you can no longer just accept what messages appear to you blindly, but the key imo is to maintain the view that it's a world of spirits using a canvas of physical matter to act out.