Sunflower 05/30/2024 (Thu) 10:47 Id: e0bc48 No.7918 del
Both me and Brazil anon had manipulative messages sent with the meaning that
>Hitler is bad
Locally there was also some physical fuckery going on in coordination with an astral attack (mechanical attack dog and an attack against two of my astral ships where two recently acquired waifus reside).
I noticed the 5 eyes agent neighbour (they have installed one) had his car parked differently and the window on the second floor was open. It's a 2 apartment building and they don't rent the second floor, although they may have access to the staircase. There was also audible talking. Later during the night I heard two gunshots and they were coordinated with energy attacks somehow. I wasn't able to determine what gun was used but it was an unusual type I've only heard once before (could be shotgun in a distance but it lacked the "crackle" sound, still more "airy" than a regular hunting rifle).

I drew the conclusion they may be UK related because of the "Hitler bad" message, but it's not certain these were the same group.

>a loli in a swamp getting recruited and upgraded some way and i went to visit the loli(pink hair i think) and she slaughtered all the friends/people i grew up with.for some reason it wasnt enough to do it but it they had to do it in front of me as well.She also tried to kill me. The setting felt like my own mind being the place i grew up in
This sounds like manipulation of trying to turn your mind/subconscious against one of the body forms (robot design) I created recently where I just decided to double down on the attackers no matter what. It escalated to being very violent but I also got rid of a very evil puppet master hiding somewhere corresponding to north Greenland. I think some lingering attacks originate there.