Sunflower 05/30/2024 (Thu) 11:03 Id: c90195 No.7919 del
The leading attacker(woman) was defineletely framed/meant as being you although never really stated.which is why i was wondering if you could zero in on her energy to figure outwhat was going on and who she is.I already dealt with alot of it on my end before talking about it but the implications are there. The 'story' was this invincible woman and her 'army' using similar tactics as seen here was cleansing things but they also attacked and killed basically my peaceful mind and was hell bent on attacking/humilating me. Her energy felt of kilter malicious seemingly trying to imitsting your past lifes but as if you fed them crack. I never got why they attacked me, i think the story was i pissed them off which got them in the female "attack" mode they cant easily snap out of once they are in it. The attacks were 'worse' than described earlier and they really tried to break me down. Didnt affect me though.Started of being emphasised of how invincible this woman was and how we would just stay put and let her 'cleanse' and they are the good guys after all(female army) but it became increasingly personal and like the women had a vendetta for me.