Sunflower 05/30/2024 (Thu) 11:44 Id: e0bc48 No.7921 del
This sounds like how they usually do things, imitating what they see but missing the gist of it. I can imagine various motifs for this attack: making you think I attacked you, but also intending for you to share this here to make me believe that my attacks are inaccurate so I become afraid of performing them.

There are flaws in both of these, in my case it's because I only attack karma. In the event you were really targeted it would never be traumatizing like that, because you are already on my side. It's very gradual, whoever gets a violent response had to be very stubborn in their hostility against me. My patience is very long. They are performing what would be lethal attacks (hexes and energy attacks) constantly but it doesn't necessarily mean I respond with violence at all. If a faction shows themselves to just keep this up, even after seeing that it doesn't work and that I will retaliate against the individuals who do this, then I will assault them and clear them out. You'd have to be really fucking hostile to provoke the kind of response they pretended you got.

That they don't even understand this, shows how deep up their own asses they really are.

They do suicide attacks (killing themselves to produce negative energy), human sacrifice attacks, demon summoning, contracting assassins and whatever else, then they think I am somehow overreacting when I finally decide to wipe them out??