Sunflower 05/30/2024 (Thu) 11:52 Id: e0bc48 No.7922 del
>Her energy felt of kilter malicious seemingly trying to imitsting your past lifes but as if you fed them crack
I created a new robot production unit which I didn't name on here because it's too extreme and specific. With this I created the very violent and extreme kind of DNA profile you describe. A combination of my past lives both as a whore in Rome, the witch who initiated the black death, the X slasher of Paris kill count ~3600, blamed on La Famida as well as some other among them you know who. This was very effective and made it possible to break down
>a very evil puppet master hiding somewhere corresponding to north Greenland
and the effect was felt as if a part of my brain was unlocked, his negative energy was so strong that it suppressed the human consciousness egregore world wide.

I believe the recent attacks are because this group is getting increasingly desperate over Ukraine which they for some reason put all their bets on. Why they can't just accept peace and live normally I have no idea, but given the creativity they inspired in me, I think they have a valuable purpose here as target dummies. Yin and Yang and Universal balance and all that.