Sunflower 05/30/2024 (Thu) 12:01 Id: e0bc48 No.7923 del
I'm starting to see the plans defined recently though: it seems we are dealing with contesting WW3 factions. One of them wants it to be USA vs Russia, with NATO and EU supporting USA. This is the zionist faction.

The other faction is also Jewish but they are anti-zionist because they believe the 3rd temple and the state of Israel can only be built after the messiah arrives, meaning the current state of Israel is blocking their saviour from entering the world. So they instead want Israel erased and this will be done by WW3 being USA/Israel vs UK/EU with the longer plan being that Russia joins the EU.

The role of Ukraine in these plans varies, but for both of them it's the adrenachrome factory of the world, and the source of sadistic child porn production. Neither of these want anything good for Ukraine or Russia and they don't like the Islamic world.

It was interesting to see just this week that mainstream media in UK blamed Mossad agents for some events, so the plan of having UK vs zionists is still running. Meanwhile the attempt at having USA+EU vs Russia (+ China later) is half shot in the foot by UK leaving EU, but this right now is the plan playing openly through the Ukraine war.