Sunflower 05/30/2024 (Thu) 12:52 Id: c90195 No.7924 del
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Yeah they definitely did something, the girl had astral inhabitants believe she couldn't even be fought at all.(had shields also,like space redirection shields teleshields,impenetrable shield...")anyway i still beheaded her, she was blonde i believe. the pink girl had a very high attack power capable of instantly stabbing and killing, perhaps using the weakspot idk.she realized it wasn't gonna happen when she faced me.

this is how it went down last year.fighting me directly->using tactics to attack me->creating lolies plus tactics->a dream where 'you' suddenly became a retard,attacked some girl and threatened me(I felt really awkward first but then i slashed their throat after i realized the real one should be immortal which means if they die it was a fake and if real they can be angry at me afterwards if it was them.). This one was like that one but is also using tactics plus lolies.

funny story: at one point a glowie came up with the idea of using a thin as possible string to cut my throat from behind like in the movies.the idea was that by focusing their energy to the thinnest point the concentration would exceed my astral form since its 'multiplied' almost indefinitely. It failed and they died. a week later 2 cute lolies tried the same thing on me with what looked like a giant flossing loli was carrying it comically with 2 hands and it was bigger than her.they pressed it against my throat and it instantly snapped. They stopped speaking and moving and one communicated to the other "this doesn't make sense, this person is stronger than our entire faction combined" meaning the stick had their entire egregore and the faction that ordered it behind it and this what with the force multiplied by who knows how many thousands by concentrating it versus my relaxed state.I actually spared the lolies and sat them down on a picnic table since i thought they were cute and thats prolly why i got called loli fanatic, That's also when people tried using lolies to attack me since then.but yea unfortunately i'm not that nice now because of them.