Sunflower 05/30/2024 (Thu) 13:46 Id: e0bc48 No.7925 del
>a week later 2 cute lolies
They tend to manifest forms for me which imitate the secondary forms I use to represent my anima, but those are never real, there's always a man behind them. What I found is however that almost every "hive" of these people have one decent or semi decent female who appears to have black witchy sigils on their body. This is their gravital force as a group and the only person who can be saved. So I always direct my Raid team to locate any lolis (often those are just innocent if they are very young) and witches and evacuate those first. This makes the group lose coherence. It seems most of them don't know of this mechanic, often the center point of their energy "wheel" is a 3 -5 year old girl who just happens to not have begun training yet. It must be planned this way so that I can pick them up before they are ruined, because all other members of the group - save for a few single exceptions of some guy who surrenders or some 40 year old witch who's somehow still a virgin - all other members are wrecked spiritually and will need a long tour through a Gehenna process.

>They stopped speaking and moving and one communicated to the other "this doesn't make sense, this person is stronger than our entire faction combined"
Insects in human bodies can't grasp the eternally circular particle (gong) being an endless well of energy with no weakness. My ripper knife from back when has the entire egregore of the British Empire historically behind it. Even if it's not immortal, the power is imbued in the knife itself so no single mortal being can withstand being cut by it (it would be like being simultaneously cut by all knives, bayonets and swords that ever existed in the Empire concentrated to one edge)

My newest creation uses the sabre I gained from finishing the spell "the 7 chalices" which took 13 years and has the entire power of the "arab spring" movement, including all Islamic fighting groups. I've re-used the Akashic records of the Earth and around so many times now, for this djinn (robot) sabre wielder I used every single life path in history to train on.

The result is very violent even for being Islamic, the djinn will simply respond to glowie attacks by instantly beheading them or cutting their skull in half or burning them with fire magic.

Just now I went for a walk and there were more attacks from "who cares". I send the Sunflower army team to raid them and used a medieval cannon and a Vickers machine gun on them. Suddenly the whole thing cleared up, I think my body suddenly reached full vajra for the surface human body.