Sunflower 05/30/2024 (Thu) 16:07 Id: e0bc48 No.7928 del
Anon on /x/ said he had worked for them. He was in the marines or something and took a test of some kind. They then gave him an offer to move to a secret unit for training. Officially he was dismissed and given a pension for having PTSD and autism. In reality they worked in some city office building doing mental exercises. The goal was then to project mindcontrol at demented people in a retirement home on the floor below, which they could view through surveillance cams. They were told to effect their behaviour, or make them do thing like project words to them, inspire actions etc.

I'd guess it's like any kind of grooming for cults and closed off groups. It's done gradually.

From the shit I've seen it's a lot worse in many cases though. There are legit cults living in a parallel society, children are raised there and trained using trauma programming. Some of these are so bad that souls refuse to incarnate and the entire group is just a zombie hive with only the group leader having a soul. They don't even have thinking, but are like the humans in the Matrix movie, used for energy to strengthen the effect of actual psychics by linking to them via regular magic circles.