Sunflower 05/30/2024 (Thu) 16:17 Id: 8e01b9 No.7929 del
That's interesting, thanks for sharing. I've read some training manuals for psychics from, I guess you could call it cults and in the later stages when "the mind" has been trained to an acceptable degree through various blood pacts or similar forms of control, there's always this wonderful lesson about creating "psychic thralls" by mind raping other people into your slaves with the cultivated power. And then at the end, create individual cells that consist of this one highly trained psychic and its mob of mind slaves, but the psychic is bound by deeper psychological control measures, and it all culminates in this inverse tree structure thought form of control and rape which propagates itself. It's horrible and a bit funny in a macabre way, in my personal opinion.

Sadly, never got my hands on anything about government agencies. They seem to be doing a great job at covering up.