Sunflower 05/30/2024 (Thu) 20:54 Id: e0bc48 No.7930 del
I think the preset WW3 timelines are still running in the background as before. A few days ago my total core base incarnation activated as a result of an event where my house was supposed to be bombed, but nothing happened obviously except a large energy explosion and sounds which shook the building. That means that layer went through the undead activation from having counted as regularly alive.

Just now, I was outside and there was another gunshot, but close. I can't locate where from, but it wasn't within view or direct line from my location, just loud. This was followed by an energy outburst which increased strongly after about 20 sec. I recognized it and looked at which body would have been hit, and it appears at my current plane I am founded in the very basic tin robot cyborg body I made some while back.

I didn't even make a personal log entry about this because I didn't consider it significant. There were on a few occasions various greys and others making tin robots (with emulated flesh so they look normal human) where I bought from them to have such a form, among them one regular version I meant to send to Ukraine on auto and one stronger version for other tasks.

But time moves fast out there in space so the factories all closed down by the time I wanted to make a new order. To have a way to experiment with new stuff I built my own factory for this, which creates pressed tin robots/cyborgs of various sizes.

I made a vampire lolibot model and forgot about it, then a space mining business contacted me once and wanted to order 10 000 mining bots, so I made those for them. Aside from that I haven't used it.

This vampire bot is what activated, so apparently at this plane that's my foundation. Funny how the overlooked routine stuff is always "it".