Sunflower 05/31/2024 (Fri) 06:21 Id: eeffb8 No.7932 del
Alright, feel like this belongs here rather than /fringe/. Just got attacked by a spirit, most powerful spirit I've encountered so far, or the toughest at least. Looked like a giant praying mantis. I think I encountered a being like this in the past but our interaction was mostly benign. Anyway, I saw this thing warp reality right in front of my eyes. Sort of 'rewriting the timeline'. Basically making it so that something I uploaded to this sort of creative esque site was an almost exact copy or duplicate of an existing work with the same title. Which I know wasn't the case because I compulsively checked probably 5 times to make sure it wasn't before I uploaded it. And yet someone called me out in a very aggressive way, and as I searched for what they were talking about I saw tertiary works regarding this thing gradually pop up one at a time as I kept searching for the exact same keywords over and over, until the main work that I supposedly copied did indeed pop up. Details aren't important but this was extremely blatant as it happened, very surreal feeling. It reminded me of how just this morning a huge hole appeared in the light switch plate that I spend hours a week staring at as I meditate in my chair, with no apparent cause and no plastic on the floor underneath it. Another 'timeline shift', foreshocks?

So immediately when I recognized what was happening I reached out and forced my awareness through to whatever was causing this. Mantis thing appeared right away. Checked and yes, hostile intentions. Battered it about a bit before making a black hole on it to annihilate it. Only this didn't actually kill it. That's never happened before, black holes usually kill everything. Instead it sort of turned into just a giant mantis head with no body and the green drained out of it so that it was pale white. Then it began following me around. Checked with gauge meter, life signs at 10-20%. Tried a stronger black hole, didn't do anything. Tried a charged up mace, cracked it a bit but didn't do anything. Finally I was able to use some claws to dig into it and rip it in half, which apparently killed it. Its corpse was very persistent, stayed right there in my sight on the floor. Decided that I should dispose of it in case it grows legs or something, so I purified and ate it. Hopefully that does something good.

Not entirely sure why this thing attacked me. Well I suppose attack is the correct word, from an outside perspective it looks more like harassment but in a spiritual sense it did 'hurt' so that's an attack in my book. Don't know. Very odd.