Sunflower 05/31/2024 (Fri) 10:48 Id: e0bc48 No.7934 del
After the Trump verdict last night the environment was set to release the next step of recasting of "the 7 chalices" in the "Western spring" iteration. The deep state didn't grasp what the fuck they just did. The most popular candidate where his supporters already know they cheated to remove him last election. Then they want to pull a banana republic plan and imprison him to make it so that the only candidate is a demented 80 year old. And they think this will be tolerated.

So I made use of the concentrated mass and activated it. Glowies were literally crying when trying to contain it. There's a majority support for Trump in the USA and they want to contain the energy. It's not like Russia where they can do this openly, but the opposition is mere proxy groups funded from outside the country. Containing and suppressing foreign elements can be done, you can't contain and suppress your main population. Doesn't work in China, doesn't work anywhere.

So during the night they activated a large network of actual physical satellites to beam down over the world to attack anyone not siding with their narrative. They also used psychic attacks from regular humans.

They got so bad and violated so many universal principles that a mass elimination event was allowed.

Targetting both their souls and their physical bodies I simply removed them from access to the world. In normal situations there is a sorting needed because not all beings are bad, but they stepped over the line into the territory where no individual treatment was needed. They think "my power" is limited because I always pick them off one by one. It's not. It's how you have to do things to avoid karma. But when the enemy is 100% evil this doesn't apply. They can then be mass killed with no exception.

This revealed another thing:

It appears the "mutual destruction by nukes" thing was about a "dead man's switch" set up. When the NWO leaders where killed/removed, a large network of hivemind/zombie psychics were activated. Human drones with no soul kept in some kind of breeding plant hooked up to mind control devices.
The function was that if the NWO leaders were killed, these networks would activate and destroy the world by targeting vital functions in society (the brains of humans who maintain societal functions).

The catch here is that this threat doesn't work if you don't know about it. So I just performed the mass killing and the zombies activated. I've shut down most of them by now, but I can totally see how regular intelligence agencies would fear this.