Sunflower 05/31/2024 (Fri) 16:26 Id: eeffb8 No.7936 del
>"a hole to the void" which dissolves their manifestation
That's it.
>Trump verdict
I did have a hunch it may be related to this, but all I did for that was a spell to push public opinion before the verdict. That seemed too small to warrant this response. Although I did recently take down some of my passive defenses since they made my local environment too static, so maybe I'm just seeing how things normally are. Makes sense if it was a widespread thing.
Also last night after this when I was going to sleep I started dissociating with a feeling like I was getting drawn into a hallucination or something like that. I began seeing flashing lights to my right, along with a feeling of “psychic motion”. Felt like another attack. Reactivated some of my passive shields and it immediately stopped.