Sunflower 05/31/2024 (Fri) 18:31 Id: e0bc48 No.7938 del
> I searched for what they were talking about I saw tertiary works regarding this thing gradually pop up one at a time as I kept searching for the exact same keywords over and over, until the main work that I supposedly copied did indeed pop up. Details aren't important but this was extremely blatant as it happened, very surreal feeling
Are we here talking about physical reality and web searches?
It's a minor thing but a few days ago I saw a new Hitler meme and went to save it, but it already existed in my meme folder with the exact filename. I've never seen this meme before, it was more of an original image macro. Things on my HDD and other storages rarely are effected by timeline switches so I thought this was significant enough to remember. There was one other time this happened but that was because my pre-set path forward had been disturbed by glowies so much I got late with a deadline and was about to miss it. I then checked a specific uploads folder on a cloud service and there was a "new file" which had been there for 5 months, but it wasn't there the day before. It contained extra detailed information which made it possible for me to make the deadline (it removed the need for planning).

> just this morning a huge hole appeared in the light switch plate that I spend hours a week staring at as I meditate in my chair, with no apparent cause and no plastic on the floor underneath it. Another 'timeline shift'
Physical changes like this are rare for me, but there was one thing that kept bugging me, a bike helmet that went missing, and I was accused of stealing it. In reality I was told "that helmet doesn't fit me, you can take it", so I took it home. In return I gave them another helmet. I was then suddenly accused for stealing 6 weeks later and the person denied giving it to me. They also denied having received the other helmet in return. They came to my house to look for the helmet I said I gave them, claiming that I made it up and that it must be in my storage. The helmet obviously wasn't there (because I gave it to them 6 weeks prior).

Now this can seem like a case of bad memory on the other person or them lying for unknown reasons (they had complained about how bad the helmet I was given was, and how they didn't want it). Eventually I got so unsure about the course of events that I went looking just to make sure that the helmet I gave them didn't exist in my house. I was nowhere to be found. Like a year later that helmet suddenly appeared in my storage as if trying to frame me in the claim that I had not given it away. So where was it during that year?

This all felt like some serious messing with things to cause trouble though.