Sunflower 05/31/2024 (Fri) 18:38 Id: 515c5f No.7939 del
>I also mentioned before the egg thing but i can explain it more in depth now
>there were two women, one was a loli and the other was an adult woman (or hag if you want to be colloquial about it)
i was with the latter for some reason, cant remember the specifics unfortunately
>something happened and she went into some room and there was a green pool of water in the floor.
>tentacles(?) sprouted from the pool and did.... things to her before dragging her into the pool
>a few minutes passed and all of a sudden a giant green emerged, i could see the silhouette of the woman but it was... slowly changing
>the slowly started to crack until it eventually broke apart, revealing the woman. she didnt look too different and still appeared human but you could tell some features changed
>she had somewhat of a green outfit now, some of her features appeared vaguely draconic(?) her eyes were kind of green too and she had something resembling dragon scales randomly on her body
>a loli that had the same appearance/out as the changed woman appeared and the woman acted somewhat like a subservient pet to her, like there was some form of hierarchy
>the two kind of pursued me because lets be real, it kind of caught me off guard
>they catch up to me and the loli makes me choose between for some weird fucking reason
>i.. chose the loli and the older woman seemed a bit depressed, almost brokedown i think (i feel kind of bad desu) but snapped out of strangely quick and was still nice and affectionate(?) toward me then the loli more or less took me with her + transformed woman somewhere