Sunflower 05/31/2024 (Fri) 19:06 Id: 515c5f No.7941 del
>lately they've been appearing to me as Lolis too
>bullying me, reminding me of certain things, etc.
>something happened where i got transformed and something involving names popped, i guess names for me
>i was apparently in a position where i had to choose
>the names were Manami and Viy
>i cant remember the finer details but i just recall saying smething along the lines both names are me and they resonate with me so i choose both or something to that effect.
>they were strangely happy about that and implied that it was fine

>i recall going into exterminator mode two times this week
>the first time i remember going through a mansion, or some kind of vacant castle, eliminating anything that stood in the way. I saw a robot, it was a riding a motorbike, at first i assumed it was going to fight because it driving in circles.
>something in its wiring/code/whatever was fault so it kept repeating in a loop, i cant recall if i did anything with it or not
>the second instance i turned into her(?) and there was an old man, he was fat and weird but he was really nice and taught me things
>i think other me/'her'/whatever transformed, i think i was a loli this time
>he basically looked like those fat ugly ojii sans you see in anime/manga but wasnt evil (from what i could tell)
>weird things started happening, the ojii san and other people there got attacked(?)

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