Sunflower 05/31/2024 (Fri) 21:25 Id: fea48d No.7944 del
Usage is the following process: place the DNA disc in the reader on top of the production unit. Place your hand on the screen if you are incarnating your ow soul fragment matching the DNA. Pull the level down, and hold. The black hole device should be loaded in your handheld when you do this. Hold the lever down until the lid of the machine opens.

The new cyborg will emerge. Tell her to place hands with palms joined and to "get dressed". For provided profiles it's included how to create a space suit quality dress. Then do the same for any tools for the model. There is also a module for a flying saucer and a smaller version of ship in various designs available. Pick the one you feel suits the DNA and activate it for her.

Take her home with you.

If you prefer an original summon, you can set the display by linking to it so that you target a hive of suitable jellyfish souls in the void. Use your own method for locking on the one you want based on your preference.

If using a soul container, simply place the container on the screen before pulling the lever.

Available DNA modules for now include but are not limited to:

A red beast channeller for training a person to receive detailed information into their main incarnation.

A Jester in street brat style, uses a bat, a dagger and any preferred other weapons to destroy hostilities in any plane of existence.

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