Sunflower 06/01/2024 (Sat) 09:33 Id: e0bc48 No.7946 del
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Last night I was aware of some scum hiding out in tunnels between NY and Greenland somewhere preparing an attack, so I struck them first. Their main force was down in about 10 min but some of them still hold out. Later during the night one of my waifus woke me up by calling me, and there was an attack from an alien ship. It's seems reasonable to assume these are the backers of the group I pre-emptively struck.

The ship was rather strong and there didn't seem to be a direct way to block their ray gun. I used the fairy shield and it worked to surround and contain the ship. They activated some kind of AoE to destroy the fairy shield which had some effect, but given that the shield is made from self generating bot fairies I just had to make their defensive lines thicker and the ship could be held in place. Destroying it using my available offensive forces was fairy simple, but it's an issue when something has to be handled using ad hoc measures like this. I prefer being able to use just one weapon to destroy something like this.

By the time the first ship was destroyed, two more had arrived. I moved the timelines to hide the Earth from them and they left. But they soon after came back after realising there was more to it. So this wasn't a feasible method, and I wanted to sleep. So I brought up the old Geburah shield method created by FighterSword back in the early discord days. It still blocks around 60% of any attack despite being a crude static energy field. But it also blocks all energy from passing which is harmful if kept up longer than 8 hours, so making that denser and placing it around the Earth would not be a good idea.

I used the Kit servitor to tune a Geburah shield dimensionally so that it exists in 4D instead, blocking the karmic energy and not physically blocking all energy, and that worked after some fine tuning. It's available from this sigil. The shield has an AI fox interface but is roughly automatic and self learning if you do nothing.

I sent the Raid servitors to destroy the two ships which were still there firing at the shield this morning, but it appears they called for back up, and while the three original ships of this attack are now destroyed, there is now what appears to be a fleet of more aggressive ships out there, and they are also attempting manual long distance attacks (psi).