Sunflower 06/02/2024 (Sun) 20:14 Id: eee9bc No.7961 del
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The sheer immense sinister brutality of the matter is hard to grasp. The stubbornness of evil spirits and the ego as well. I kept being being very careful about the issue named in Zhuan Falun about creating karma from "interpreting the law". As a principle this still holds. No human can create law, doing so is a massive crime, worse than anyone today can imagine. Rulers like kings and queens need to rule by decree. They cannot create laws.

A law states how karma will be eliminated, how balances will be restored. Only someone with divine insight can create them, because they rule life and death and the development of races. When stubborn and evil souls create "legal systems" as those today, they are playing god for real. It's the worst sin possible, and the karma of doing this takes 18 million years to remove. For someone doing this with a small human mind, that experience is a Gehenna process in first person view, in real time. If they do not stop their behaviour, but maintain the system after the initial sin, it multiplies. Each cell of their being will be filled up to the brim, adding another 18 million years of Gehenna process which they have to purge before they can reincarnate again. If they keep adding more "ultimate gehenna cells" to their being, it will max out at a place which may be called "18 billion years of Gehenna" but that is just to define it in language, it's exponential but within a set range. Souls cannot be filled more after that.

When a god or someone with divine insight create laws, they face the same issue. But they are not attached to the first person view of their Ego, so they are able to send their cells through the gehenna process and endure it create the new law, and once it's been imparted, this law is a correct method for dissolving karma. So once formed, it does not lead to the Gehenna process, it's been dealt with. Human laws are based off satisfying animalistic desires so they never achieve real karmic solution, that is why such laws will lead to a real "eternal hell". There is no light at the end of the tunnel when humans create legal systems.