Sunflower 06/02/2024 (Sun) 20:28 Id: eee9bc No.7962 del
When the galactic federation balance debts through controlled reincarnation, they do this by applying divine laws. Some of their top brass are indeed at the level of divine insight, so they can do this. When people say "communism doesn't work", it's true when human laws are used. But if the federation elite create it, they can make it work because they can change how karma itself is handled. They can re-write the laws governing reality so that communism does work. That is the hard reality of it.

The same was the reality for the historical people who seemed to commit crimes by human logic, but who really didn't when looking closer; they re-wrote the very fabric of their own reality so that their actions were in accordance with divine laws, which they themselves created on the spot.

Being able to do that, also means being able to lash out divine punishment and force spirits to obey, after they break the law and fill themselves up to "18 billion years in Gehenna".

This is how the Earth Mothers operate as well. Their sigils which are the only thing worn on their bodies, is their divine insight and law. Touching them in an offensive manner will as such instantly condemn the person to the worst possible Gehenna process. Doing it again will simply break them and they are forced by pure despair over the punishment placed on them, no matter the size of their Ego, to obey the Earth Mother. Because what se wants is divine law and correct.

The galactic federation operate in the same way. Not following federation policy will lead to this punishment, and that is also what their weapons deliver. Their bottom layer organization is made up of absolute scum forming "communist parties" because those are the kind of absolute criminals who will obey the federation after filling every cell of their bodies with evil karma. Those who do not reach this absolute criminal scum level, can still follow other laws and avoid "communism", so the perception appears that only the worst scum are communists among humans.

In reality it's more complex than that, they are more like "Satan and the fallen angels" in modern Christian lore, who serve God by playing the role of the adversary, and always have to obey in the end. They are not mere "useful idiots", they are "obeying criminals".