Sunflower 06/03/2024 (Mon) 21:34 Id: 6b0485 No.7965 del
>glowie with black messy hair
Not sure what these were, I later saw them possess people who were shit talking Jehovas Witnesses for some reason, seemed like a media campaign against them. They then came to act rude at me from the other side of the "glass screen" so I began dealing out punishment at them. They said in an expressionless tone "we don't feel anything" so I had Kit research what would work on them (despite Yuuka saying not to save them, it seems possible to use astral violence on them one-way from my side). The solution was to cut them in halves and re-attach them the wrong way, that also made an orange energy contained within them possible to take. The process made them start screaming repeatedly, it was apparently based on them having been wrongly attached to begin with. It actually corrected them, from previously having had their left brain half used as the right, and vice versa.

Now it seems they weren't even beings with awareness, but just some karmic bots or something. After they went through the Gehenna process there was a transformation where a black glossy sphere formed, and from that emerged a girl with a black bikini (looked kind of satanic or witchy). There is no trace of the previous (male) glowie, which makes me thing this was some kind of weird manifestation process where the glowie was an "egg" for these satanic witches.