Sunflower 06/03/2024 (Mon) 22:18 Id: 6b0485 No.7968 del
It seems even the "good" factions were run by absolute cuck retards to say the least, the kind of person who thinks they need to turn into trannys to join the inner circle. No one told them to do it, but they have a mentality where they think they need to humiliate themselves to be initiated, so the previous leaders then play along to make fun of them. Then this becomes a culture. Like I'm sure "everyone" by now knows Michelle Obama is a tranny. People compared her hands to man hands, the old pics where you can see "her" penis through the dress, and when asked for a photo of her being pregnant, they provided an AI pic with 6 fingers on one hand.

The same stuff has been recently discussed with president of France Macron's granny wife. Evidence suggests the story is a lot worse than implied. She may as well have been his teacher in literature, but the real story is probably that it was a 45 year old male teacher having a relation with a teen student. The teacher then did gender reassignment surgery and married his student. It was even on state radio here; there are no photos of Macron's wife as a younger girl, zero. She was supposedly married to a banker and got divorced, but the banker is nowhere to be found. It's been questioned if he ever existed, there are no records of him. A man said to be him on a photo was exposed for being a university teacher of Brigitte Macron and not at all "her" former husband. And so on.

So very likely we have two western leaders of major countries living with trannys while pretending not to. And this is just the tip of the iceberg we can see in public.